Building the Barn and Floor – Decisions

First rule, regardless of what you decide for a barn floor (or barn design), is to locate your barn in an area where water will not “migrate” into the barn.  If the area has poor drainage, that might mean you need to build up the area under and immediately around the barn foundation.

Before we built the goat barn (12×12), I had planned a concrete floor with drains as I have in my chicken house which has served well there.  However, before starting the goat barn, I decided to get opinions from my favorite goat group.  In the nearly two months which followed, I collected dozens points of view.  Most of those opinions included reasons for the decisions and the results as well as “if I had it to do again” comments.


Some good from heartache

I posted on a local goat facebook site that I was looking for orphans or rejected kids for my doe who lost her babies and really needed someone to love. More

Hoof trimming day

One of the maintenance issues with goats is that they need to have their hooves trimmed, how often depends on their living conditions. More

Tough decision, once again

It is really difficult to decide which babies to keep and which to sell to a new home. I’ve seen each one enter this world, watched them grow and worried over them so it is more than “just selling livestock.” More

Is your goat okay?

So my two does don’t kid near the same time next spring (they were just a day apart this year), the plan is for them to have a month or two between birthings.  I chose to have Summer bred first this time so Capri would need to wait.  Capri’s hormones, however, were not cooperative.  She can get quite vocal when she wants to go visiting.  More

And the barn . . .

When my girls first came here, their shelter was on the attached, covered, enclosed patio. It was quite handy just off the garage, so easy to step outside the kitchen door through the corner of the garage and there they were.  More